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Ten Tips to Stay Cyber-Safe When Working Remotely


By Chris Eldredge - March 25, 2020

Most of our clients and their employees are now working remotely and it is no surprise that doing so brings a host of new challenges and risks.  This advisory from Chubb offers excellent advise for your organization to manage and mitigate these risks.  More specifically, you should ensure that:

- local bandwidth and network connections can accommodate your data communication needs;
- hardware and software is up to date with appropriate security protocols in place;
- your team is aligned in regard to the importance of cyber security and being able to identify "red flags" as they surface;
- manage closely and monitor any security exceptions;
- connect only via secure networks;
- utilize and update consistently strong passwords;
- download and click from trusted resources only;
- closely manage and monitor the sharing of confidential information; and
- exercise extreme caution when responding to requests for personally identifiable information or passwords.

We are here to assist you during these trying times - please reach out to us for additional resources in protecting your remote workers and their data.